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Lighting Your Way to a Bright Future in France


Lighting Your Way to a Bright Future in France

An LED Lit Tour Eiffel


French Property Insider

September 10, 2009
Paris, France

Bonjour French Property Insider Subscriber,

Second quarter property price and sales statistics are hot off the press in today’s issue of French Property Insider…now brought to you in the form of a video presented by the Chambre de Notaires de Paris (in French, of course). Learn more about the market and practice your French at the same time!

After an exciting day at the Maison & Objet industry fair last weekend, we have a full report, including a series of articles about LED lighting and lighting in Paris from as far back as 1889 — the year the Eiffel Tower was ‘born.’

In today’s issue there’s a debate between fractional ownership vs leaseback ownership, but also this coming October 18th, we’ll be discussing by conference call the advantages and disadvantages of ownership of your own pied-à-terre vs a fraction of one — free when you renew your subscription of FPI or newly subscribe. Be sure to scroll down to learn more.

Saturday I’m headed to Nice to investigate property there — to visit potential rental apartments and visit with colleagues, so next week expect to set your sights on the "Blue Coast!" We hope to develop some opportunities in this heavenly spot.

A bientôt,

Adrian Leeds
Adrian LeedsEditor, French Property Insider
Email: info@fpinsider.com

P.S. Tuesday we had a roaring afternoon gathering at Parler Paris Après Midi. Be sure to read all about it and see the photos we took at http://www.adrianleeds.com/parlerparis/apresmidi.html.

P.P.S. September 26th is our official Rentrée Breakfast Party at Parler Parlor!…so be there to take part in French-English conversation, have breakfast of croissants and pains au chocolat…all while taking advantage of a special discount that day! Scroll down to learn more or visit http://www.parlerparlor.com.

Volume VII, Issue 36, September 10, 2009

In this issue:

* Subscription Renewal at Half Price!
* Second Quarter Property Report Released
* 15 Years of Life and Property
* The Great Debate: Fractional or Leaseback
* FPI Fractional Property Offerings
* Sorry Guys, Money Matters Conference for Women
* "Spectacular Growth" in French Property Market
* Low-energy Lighting Taking Hold
* Pioneering in Lighting the City of Light
* Take the Risk Out of Currency Conversion
* Free Consultation Ending Soon!
* Parler Paris Apartments: Le Bonaparte and L’Eysée
* French Property Exhibition This Weekend!
* Hot Property Picks: Picking Paris Possibilities
* Notaires’ Property Auctions Returns September 22
* Second Property Show in the Fall: Focus on Luxury
* How You Can Obtain a Mortgage in France
* Parler Paris Après-Midi: Summer Break Almost Over
* Managing Your FPI Subscription
* Subscribers Receive Discount on Insider Paris Guides


When you renew your subscription for one more year or newly subscribe to French Property Insider at 50% off the regular subscription price (only $29 instead of $57.50 for 50 issues), you will be entitled to participate FREE OF CHARGE to a special Conference Call on Sunday, October 18th…

"Your Pied-à-Terre in Paris: Own It All or Just a Fraction"

Our very own Search Consultant, Mary Ellen Gallagher, will be on the call with me (Adrian Leeds), helping you decide what’s best for your Paris investment portfolio and what fits your needs and desires best…a pied-à-terre of your own or a fraction of one!

or renew your subscription now!…for only $29 for 50 issues plus call in on October 18th to learn more about the differences between owning your own apartment or a fraction of one!


Or for more information http://adrianleeds.com/frenchproperty/insider

The Real Estate Market in Paris and the Ile-de-France for Second Quarter 2009

For the first time ever, the Chambre de Notaires de Paris has the released a video addressing the real estate market in Paris and the Ile-de-France: what’s the situation at the end of the second quarter, what are the perspectives for the rest of 2009 and is this a good time to purchase?

It’s in French, of course!…

If you cannot see the video, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVRuqMhbB8Q

Totally At Home in Paris for 15 Years, Maison et Objet Report
By Adrian Leeds

Excerpt from Parler Paris Nouvellettre®
Monday September 7, 2009


Friday, on the 15th anniversary of my life in France, we weathered the rain and hopped the train to the Parc des Expositions near Airport Charles de Gaulle to spend the day at the Maison & Objet Industry Trade Fair along with thousands of other people from all over the world.

The show is a massive wonderland of interior (and exterior) design ideas and while the "no photos" signs are posted, no one seemed to care that I was taking a few shots of the overall scenes or individual items.

Martine di Matteo and I were on the prowl for interesting items with which to decorate a project she’s currently working on — a three bedroom, three bathroom two level apartment in Le Marais with a large terrace, as well as things for my own "Le Saint-Tropez" and "La Brigitte" — in the style of the Riviera.

Clearly, what I was looking for was contrary to this year’s theme song: silvers and grays, distressed whites and blacks, shiny surfaces crazy creations. The show is a sea of furniture in these non-colors while the fabrics are as exciting as ever…my favorite part of the displays. The French still do distressed furnishings best and the Italians you can depend on for ‘sleek’ and ‘slick.’

Martine took me by the hand to introduce me to "Chehoma" (http://www.chehoma.com/), an "atelier d’ambiances" where I found a cornucopia of beautiful things that will create the "elegant beach house" I dream of for Le Saint-Tropez. There in the showroom a voice called out in English with a heavy French accent, "What are YOU doing here?" It was Marie-Ange, a woman I’ve known for years as "DOT," who ran a wholesale shop on my corner of "verrry Frrrench" household decorative items until recently when it was taken over by a chic designer clothing boutique.

Marie-Ange explained that she had sold her company and was now working for Chehoma as the liaison with American clients. It was my good fortune and amazing "synchronicity" to have her there to be just that perfect liaison between us and this supplier to decorate the studio apartment in perfect harmony with a Mediterranean lifestyle. She knew the building and the apartment from her years on the street having become familiar with the neighbors and so once again, it felt like being totally ‘at home.’

Editor’s Notes:

"Le Palace des Vosges" luxury fractional ownership apartment in the Place des Vosges: http://www.palacedesvosges.com.

Maison & Objet Paris: http://www.maison-objet.com/en/index.php?page=maison-objet.

"Le Saint-Tropez" and "La Brigitte" luxury rental apartments available for occupancy December 2009: http://www.adrianleeds.com/parlerparis/apartments/rentals/saint-tropez.html.

French Property – the Fractional vs Leaseback Debate


With increasing coverage of fractional ownership, French leaseback specialists are competing in the market by comparing the offerings of the respective models. Trevor Little, editor of fractional property website Newskys.co.uk, notes: “France remains a popular destination for those looking to buy overseas and, as well as standard full ownership, both leaseback and fractional ownership offer buyers solid routes to property ownership in this much-loved country. However, buyers need to fully evaluate all methods of ownership and make sure they purchase via the method that gives them access to the right property for them.”

Matthieu Cany, managing director of Sextant French Property, recently issued an analysis of the two purchase methods, He argues that the main advantage of leaseback is the range of properties buyers can access: “There is a wide choice of leasebacks in different areas including ski resorts, beach locations and in the countryside. As for fractional ownership, there is almost nothing on the French property market as most fractional ownership properties are in Spain, Portugal and Florida.”

However, he acknowledges that the type of property purchased similarly varies between the two models: “In terms of property type you can get a bigger and more expensive property with fractional ownership as each of the people are paying a portion of what they would have paid if they were to buy the property on their own. With a French leaseback, unless the investor has a lot of money, he will only be able to afford an apartment…”

To read the entire article go to http://www.pr-inside.com/french-property-the-fractional-vs-r1465130.htm.

Fractional Property Offerings from French Property Fractional


If you are interested in traditional fractional ownership properties currently offered by our Fractional Ownership partners, see below:

Place des Vosges 


Chez la Tour

La Rsidence Luxembourg

Le Petit Tresor
 Maison Bleue

Paris Residence Club

Notre Maison dan Toulouges

To see our latest Fractional offerings go to http://adrianleeds.com/frenchproperty/fractional/fractional_offerings.html

Money Matters for Women Conference
Saturday, October 17, 2009

If you’ve never benefited from financial coaching, this is the place for you!

Come hear Adrian Leeds enlighten you on "Property Investment in France" 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.!

MONEY MATTERS FOR WOMEN is a half-day conference held in Paris, France for today’s global woman who wants to understand her current financial situation, plan intelligently and take proactive steps in managing her money.

The conference features:

- A dynamic keynote speaker
– Nine concurrent presentations and discussions with professional financial information
– A closing session for all conference attendees and a networking cocktail reception to end the day

This conference recognizes that women have unique financial goals and challenges which must be addressed. So invite your daughter, friend or neighbor to share in this empowering experience and walk away with more confidence and the tools to own your financial uture.

The Money Matters for Women 2009 conference is presented by WICE and hosted by The American University of Paris. Special thanks to Smart Women Products for their continued support of this conference.For more information and to register, visit http://www.moneymattersforwomen.org.

French Property Sales and Home Investment in France Set for Spectacular Growth
By Graham Lambie


According to recent research from Assetz, Property in France has returned to the top of the European property investment table leapfrogging locations such as Bulgaria and Croatia, With low mortgage rates at 3.1% and strong market growth of over 9%, property investors are returning to purchase French Properties.

Predictions are that market growth and an established rental market will return over 60% on capital invested. French Property Investment is split into 3 main types – holiday homes, permanent homes and investment property. Investment Property in France includes: buy to let, off plan, new build and leaseback. Properties include: apartments, farmhouses, villas, luxury real estate, village houses, rural property, golf property, and ski resort property…

To read the entire article go to http://sua.chenjianwen.cn/archives/242578.

Maison & Objet 2009: City of Light, Indeed
By Kristin Hohenadel


Some of the most arresting examples of lighting at the Maison & Objet show this week were strikingly simple, low-energy fixtures from Paris-based designers Le Deun Luminaires.

Designer Jean Luc Le Deun uses exposed LEDs to illuminate slender aluminum hoop frames that have been painted white or black and mounted on a free-standing base. Simple circles become sophisticated yet fanciful light fixtures equally suited for a classic 19th century apartment or a contemporary house.

“They’re a little bit makeup-mirror, à la ‘A Star Is Born,’ a little bit ‘Stargate’ — and they also remind you of a lit-up circus ring,” said Philippe Dufour-Loriolle, who mans Le Deun Luminaires’ Paris showroom. “The idea is to not be ashamed to actually expose the LED light bulbs, which are usually hidden. Instead, we make a feature of them.”

Here at Maison & Objet, Le Deun also showed a room divider embellished with lighted circles near the base, above left; p

endant lights made
of hovering circles, above right; and a new series of cubes with lighted sides that can be used as floor lighting or fitted with a metal tray to become a side table…

To read the entire article go to http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/home_blog/2009/09/maison-objet.



December 29, 1879, Wednesday

PARIS, Dec. 12. American enterprise has achieved another victory. The Werdermann electric light may not be an American invention, its discoverer may not be an American, but if one of our countrymen had not taken it in hand, it would have remained, so far as France is concerned, hidden under a bushel for evermore…

To read the entire article go to



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If you are a guest staying in any one of our luxurious Parler Paris Apartments, and would like to consider having your own "pied-à-terre" for your pleasure and profit, contact Adrian Lees for a FREE one-hour consultation while you’re enjoying the apartment in the City of Light. Visit http://www.adrianleeds.com/parlerparis/apartments for more information or email me at adrian@adrianleeds.com.



Parler Paris Apartments Welcome to your home in Paris. Home is how you will feel in a private apartment in Paris that has the "seal of approval" from Parler Paris Apartments and me, Adrian Leeds. Parler Paris Apartments offers high quality accommodations to make your stay in the City of Light as enjoyable and memorable as possible.

We at Parler Paris know each and every apartment owner or manager personally, and stand behind the quality of those we represent. We understand your needs and desires, all the small details that make a rental apartment a warm and welcoming home ­ and a much better alternative to an impersonal hotel!Parler Paris Apartm

is administered and serviced by the same great team as Parler Paris, French Property Insider and French Property Consultation. You can trust that Parler Paris Apartments and all those with whom it is associated will do heir best for your 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

SPOTLIGHT APARTMENT(S): Le Bonaparte and L’Eysée

Le Bonaparte…Charming and Beautiful

Rue Bonaparte, 6th Arrondissement
Large Studio, Sleeps 2

A charming and beautifully decorated studio apartment overlooking on one of the chicest designer streets in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. On the third floor of a classic "pierre-de-taille" (detailed stone) building, the lovely "pied-à-terre" is equipped with double-paned windows for ultimate quiet, yet when you step out onto the street, everything you could need or desire is within steps.


L’Eysée…Home Away from Home

Rue de la Boétie, 8th Arrondissement
Large Studio,
5th Floor with Elevator, Sleeps up to 4

A large, contemporary studio apartment with lots of sun, sky and beautiful views. The open kitchen is completely equipped with everything you need to make your at-home meals easy and pleasant. Relax on the sofa in front of the large flat-screen TV to watch anything from CNN to French movies after a long day shopping along the Champs-Elysées.



Reserve now! Visit www.adrianleeds.com/parlerparis/apartments or email:apartments@adrianleeds.com.

French Property Exhibition in London This Weekend

Run by lifestyle magazine Archant Life France, the event will take place from September 11th to 13th at Olympia, with the company stating that the recent exhibition held in Harrogate revealed widespread optimism about the French market.

With France’s continued popularity as one of Britain’s top destinations we aim to deliver the finest selection of French property and services available, with estate agents, developers, financial and legal advice available from the experts.

Not only is entry to the Exhibition free, but our seminars are also free. Here you can gain all the information you need to make the correct decision on buying a property in France. Our speakers are experts on French property and will share valuable information on the buying process, highlight the pitfalls of the French legal system, let you know how to transfer funds cost effectively and how to integrate into local French life.

For more information and tickets go tohttp://www.fpeolympia.com/.

HOT PROPERTY PICKS: Picking Paris Possibilities

Each week French Property Insider features a range of properties which we believe are on the market at the time of writing. These properties are featured in order to give readers a sample of what is currently available and a working example of prices being asked in various regions of France and districts of Paris.

This week we focus on some interesting property opportunities founs in central Paris.

*** Paris, Arts et Metiers, 3rd: One-bedroom, approx. 26m²

Apartment in prime location just a few steps away from the famous hot spots of the city. The apartment comprises view, a separate bedroom, a cosy living room, separate wc and toilet. On the 4th floor of the building, it is incredibly bright and airy. Perfect little heaven in the center of Paris.

Asking Price: € 218 000 + 2.5% Finder’s Fee





*** Paris, Sentier, 2nd: One-bedroom, approx. 55m²

Perfect property for an investor as a short term rental. Located on the first floor of a well-kept building, the space is bright, calm. There is a living room with an open kitchen, a bedroom, bathroom. Hardwood floors throughout.

Asking Price: € 270 000 + 2.5% Finder’s Fee



*** Paris, Saint-Placide, 6th: One-bedroom, approx. 31m²

One bedroom apartment excellent views. Situated on a quiet street close to all amenities, restaurants and nightlife. The apartment is the fifth floor and had a living room, kitchen, separate bathroom, bedroom, and hardwood floors. Perfect Parisian pied-à-terre and ideal for lucrative seasonal rentals.

Asking Price: € 350 000 + 2.5% Finder’s Fee



*** Paris, Châtelet Les Halles, 1st: One-bedroom, approx. 40m²

Traditional period Parisian apartment renovated with current flair. The apartment is located in one of the most sought after areas of Paris’ first arrondissement, just a few steps from the Bastille, Ile Saint Louis, and a multitude of art galleries, chic boutiques and trendy designer shops. The open floor plan consists of a large and bright living area, a modern and equipped open kitchen, separate bedroom and bathroom with tub.

Asking Price: € 455 000 + 2.5% Finder’s Fee


The Next Notaires’ Property Auction

Notaires de Paris
Place du Châtelet
12 avenue Victoria
Paris 1st


Additional information on Les Ventes aux Enchères des Notaires can be found on the Web site at www.encheres-Paris.com.

To read Schuyler Hoffman’s article about the property auctions in Paris, click on:


  The following properties will be auctioned off September 22, 2009:    


3 Rooms 57m²
22, rue Francoeur
75018 – PARIS 18eme
Starting Bid: 252 000,00 €
Deposit: 50 400,00 €




Commercial Space 19m²
16, rue Béranger
75003 – PARIS 3eme
Starting Bid: 115 000,00 €
Deposit: 23 000,00 €




2 Rooms 35m²
2, rue Michel de Bourges
75020 – PARIS 20eme
Starting Bid: 118 400,00 €
Deposit: 11 840,00 €



Editor’s Note: If you look at the properties on the Notaire’s site (www.encheres-paris.com), when you click on the information for a particular property there is also a link to Google Maps to show you exactly where the property is located.

Luxury Property Show Announced
Compiled by Schuyler Hoffman

* Luxury Real Estate Trade Fair Loves Paris in the Autumn *

Not everyone can afford a private island or a fancy penthouse on New York’s Upper East Side. Still, for those who can, an invitation to the Luxury Real Estate Trade Fair will be just the thing to make the autumn seem brighter. And where better to promote high-end property than Paris, the world capital of chic? This elegant ambience will be further enhanced by the venue, Paris’s famous Musée du Louvre.

On the 27th, 28th and 29th of November 2009 Prestige-Paris will celebrate its third birthday with the assistance of France Convention, a specialist in niche and luxury trade fairs. This year’s gathering will be required both to meet the visitors’ very demanding expectations and outdo last year’s exceptionally successful event.

The recent recession has failed to affect the luxury sector as much as the rest of the economy, in fact the latest figures have revealed that the Parisian real estate market has improved. It seems that the most beautiful and luxurious homes never fail to find a buyer, a thought that will encourage participants in this most prestigious property exhibition.


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Let us help you secure a mortgage in France at a competitive interest rate. Visit www.adrianleeds.com/frenchproperty/loan for more information or contact Loan@AdrianLeeds.com


1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet

1 hectare = 2.4710538 acres

For more conversions, refer to: www.onlineconversion.com/

Parler Paris Aprs Midi Takes Summer Break

Parler Paris Apres Midi



The second Tuesday of every month, Parler Paris and French Property Insider readers gather at La Pierre du Marais for a drink and a "schmooze" –It’s an opportunity to meet and chat with other like-minded people and a great way to make friends! Costs nothing except your drinks. Don’t miss the next gathering Tuesday, Septemeber 8th, 2009 from 3 to 5 p.m. and every second Tuesday of the month (except August).



Managing Your French Property Insider Subscription is Easy!

French Property InsiderWe receive many emails from French Property Insider Subscribers who want to change their email address, or update personal information. But did you know that you can make these changes yourself?

It’s easy…

1. Go to adrianleeds.com/frenchproperty/insider

2. Click on "Manage Subscription." You’ll find it under the "Subscribers Only" section in the sidebar.

3. Enter your username and password.

4. On the Welcome Page, go to "Manage Your Account" and click on "Change Password/Edit Profile"

5. Once you’ve made the changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Save Profile."



Of course, we’re always happy to help, so if you do need assistance, send an email to fpi@adrianleeds.com.


To access password protected pages: click on any of the links on the left panel of the home page of FrenchPropertyInsider.com under "Subscriber’s Only," then type in your personal username and password.

Past issues of FPI are available on the Web site. You will find the
"Past Issues" link on the left under "Subscribers Only" or by going to
To receive your free French Leaseback Report or the Paris Property
Report, click on

We wanted better guides, So we wrote them!

insider paris guidesInsider Paris Guides are written for people who love the City of Light. You’ll get a Paris insider perspective on Restaurants… Making a Life… Black Culture… Expat Writers…and the newest guide, Practical Paris!

French Property Insider subscribers receive a discount of 10% off any uide and up to 25% off the entire purchase (if two or more guides are purchased at the same time). Here’s how it works:

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Copyright 2010, Adrian Leeds®
Adrian Leeds Group, LLC, www.adrianleeds.com

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